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💗FREE💗 SMTOWN LIVE "Culture Humanity"
💗FREE💗 SMTOWN LIVE "Culture Humanity"
— SMTOWN (@SMTOWNGLOBAL) December 29, 2020
➫ 01.01.21 1PM KST
➫ 31.12.20 8PM PST
➫ 31.12.20 11PM EST
During this difficult time of COVID-19, enjoy the SMTOWN LIVE “Culture Humanity”concert, that will encourage and cheer you up, for free all around the world.#SMTOWN_LIVE pic.twitter.com/EibPsDZl3R
・@face820820 Twitter 更新
Gift from the girls, thank you 💜
— Sunyoung Kwon (@face820820) December 30, 2020
써프라이즈~ 선물! #싸인cd #에스파굿즈#정들었어 #귀묘미들 pic.twitter.com/u4DL0AosJw
Gift from the girls, thank you 💜
— Sunyoung Kwon (@face820820) December 30, 2020
써프라이즈~ 선물! #싸인cd #에스파굿즈#정들었어 #귀묘미들 pic.twitter.com/2F8Y4Af63G
・aespa Twitter 更新
#aespa pic.twitter.com/Do7gvetnVC
— aespa (@aespa_official) December 29, 2020